The law in Argentina changes so much; don’t your books become out-dated quickly?

This is precisely why we monitor all laws published, and we issue new versions of the books whenever a law is changed. Best of all, once you’ve bought an ebook from us, you have access to all future editions of that ebook, at a discounted price!

What if the book doesn’t cover my particular situation?

Our books cover all common legal situations, and, among the less common situations, we cover those that are the least unlikely, that we have seen the most. If an issue is not covered in one of our books on the appropriate topic, then it is probably a very uncommon situation, or a particularly tricky and complex situation — in which case we would recommend hiring a lawyer. If you want recommendations for good lawyers in the spaces we cover, just ask us.

Do you have books about (Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Chile)?

Not yet; we believe in never doing anything half-hearted. We are now focusing on only Argentina, and plan to expand to the rest of Latin America and the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world over the next three years.

What do you think of Nolo?

We love Nolo books! We are not related to them, but we love them as our North American counterpart.

Do you offer iPhone, iPad, or Android versions of your ebooks?

Coming very soon–stay tuned!

How can I contact you?

We’re very easy to find–just see our contact page!