Acciones: corporate shares of SAs.
Aduana: Customs, at ports of entry. See the chapter on trademarks regarding illegal imports of trademarked merchandise.
AFP: Private pension fund.
Apostille: An internationally recognized certification for official documents recognized by all signatory countries of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization for Official Documents (including Argentina and the U.S.). When applying for residency at the DNM, any document that does not originate in Argentina must have Apostille certification (or, if your country is not part of the Hague convention, must be legalized at the Argentine consulate in your country).
Alumbrado, barrido y limpieza (ABL): Street cleaning and lighting, included in the building expensas for propiedad horizontal.
Asamblea: Building council meeting.
Boleto de compraventa: Ticket of sale. The most binding of the three contracts leading up to the transfer of property. See the chapter on purchasing.
Carta de aviso: cease-and-desist letter.
Cédula de Identidad: Chilean national ID card, given to all residents including holders of one-year temporary visas.
Certificado de antecedentes penales: Criminal background check.
Certificado de domicilio: Proof of address.
Certificado de libre deuda: Debt-free certificate. A certificate verifying that a property you wish to purchase does not have any outstanding debts. This can be obtained by your escribano.
Certificado de dominio vigent: Ownership certificate, stating all owners of a given property. It is wise to obtain one to avoid cases where a partial owner objects to the sale. The certificado can be obtained by your escribano.
Certificado de vigencia: an official statement from the corporation registry in the country of incorporation, certifying that the company is real and alive. See the chapters on SRLs and SAs.
Codigo de Trabajo: Labor Code.
Concilación Obligatoria: mandatory conciliation. When an employee sues an employer or former employer, the first step is a mandatory attempt at arriving at a settlement via a face-to-face negotiation.
Conservador de Bienes Raíces: Real Estate Registry.
Contribución: contribution. A tax that an employer pays in addition to the employee’s required taxes.
Contrato de compraventa: Purchase contract.
Contrato social: Literally social contract, a company’s bylaws.
Contribuciónes de bienes raices: Real estate tax.
Corredor de propriedades: Real estate agency.
Decreto Ley 600: Law protecting and guaranteeing foreign investments into Chile.
Departamento de Derechos Intelectuales (DDI): National governing body that grants copyright protection in Chile, part of the Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos (DIBAM).
Departamento de Extranajeria y Migracion: Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Derechos de autor: Rights of the author. See the chapter on copyright.
Derecho de llaves: The right of ownership to a business located on a property for the duration of a lease.
Desahucio: Eviction notice.
Destino: The purpose of rental, which must remain the same under lease contracts. If you rent a place to live in, you can’t install an office there.
Diario Oficial: Official Gazette.
Diferencia salarial: salary difference; an employee’s right to sue his employer for taxes that were not paid on his behalf.
DL (Decreto Ley) 600: The law protecting and guaranteeing foreign investments in Chile.
Empresario Individual: Sole proprietorship.
Escribano: Notary. Some documents for some types of residency application must be notarized by a local escribano.
Escritura: Deed, printed and prepared by a notary.
Expensas ordinarias: Ordinary expenses.
Expensas extraordinarias: Extra-ordinary expenses.
Factura: Invoice.
Feriado: holiday; a day when it is mandatory that offices and most businesses be closed for business.
Gerente General: General Manager.
Indemnización: Mandatory severance; what employers are required to pay employees upon terminating a labor engagement.
Inmobiliaria: Real estate agency.
Inspección de Trabajo: Inspector of Labor.
Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INAPI): National governing body that grants trademark and patent protection in Chile.
Inversionista: Investor. Inversionista is one category of temporary resident.
Isapre: Private health insurance provider.
Ius variandi: The right of an employer to change an employee’s task or working conditions within reasonable and legal limits.
Juicio de terminación de contrato de arriendo y restitución de la propiedad: Eviction.
Libro de actas: A company’s formal corporation book, blank copies of which can be purchased at office supply stores in Buenos Aires.
Marca registrada: Registered trademark.
Medida cautelar: Injunction.
Migraciones: The general term for “immigration.” At international airports and other ports of entry, you will pass through migraciones, as well as aduana (customs).
Ministerio de Trabajo y Prevision Social: Ministry of Labor
Monoambiente: Studio apartment.
Pasaporte: Passport.
Pensionado: Pensioner, a category of temporary resident.
Policia Internacional: International Police.
Presidente: President.
Promesa de compraventa: Preliminary purchase agreement.
Propiedad industrial: Industrial property.
Propiedad intangible: Intangible property.
Registro Civil e Identificación: Civil Registry
Registro Público de Comercio: Public Commerce Registry.
Reglamento de Copropriedad: Building rules.
Rentista: Rentier, a category of those eligible for temporary residency.
Residencia definitiva: Permanent Residency.
Responsabilidad solidaria: The right of employees to obtain complete compensation both from his official employer and his de facto employer in order to defend his rights, even if his official and de facto employers are not the same entity.
RUT (Rol Único Tributario): Chilean tax identification number, obtained from the SII.
SA (Sociedad Anónima): Corporation.
SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos): Chile’s national tax agency.
Sindicato: union.
(SpA) Sociedad por Acciones: Single-shareholder corporation.
SRL (Sociedad de Responsibilidad Limitada): Limited liability company.
Subsidiaria: Subsidiary.
Sucesión: Process of selling a property upon the owner’s death.
Sucursal: Branch.
Sueldo: Salary.
Superintendencia de AFP: Governmental regulator of pension funds.
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros: Chile’s equivalent of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Título de propriedad: Property ownership title.
Traductor público: Public translator. All documents that are not in Spanish must be translated by a local, Argentine traductor público when applying for residency.
Tribunal de Propiedad Industrial: administrative tribunal that hears and decides appeals filed against INAPI’s decisions regarding the granting or rejecting of trademark and patent registrations, as well as appeals for extensions of protection due to delays in the registration process.
Visa sujeta a contrato: Visa subject to contract; essentially a work visa.
Visa de residente para estudiantes: Residency visa for students.
Visa temporaria: Temporary visa